Historically viewed, wars were carried to relatively remote front. When the front was driven home to one side, that side gave in. As wars have employed the industrial complex by mandate and the industrial complex has come to be the total world resource, so has war become total. With the development of totality, war has come to be waged not as much on many fronts as on many spots. Differentiation of lands and sea has been lost in significance of the one-sky. Blitzkrieg brought the war everywhere as multiple focii of sky-diving planes and land-crawling submarines. Total war involves ultimate controlling of missiles from anywhere on earth to anywhere on earth. Long distance is total and the concept of the front has vanished.
War is dynamic and its two dynamic phase are offense and defense. An offense obtains omni-directional parity, supremacy lies in relative defense advantage. Relative defense advantage lies in the direction of relative mobility, in the ability to dodge widely and without loss of poise - not to dig in.
Excerpt: pg. 208, Ideas and Integrity. Buckminster Fuller, Collier Books, 1969 (second printing, 1st in 1963).