

Creative power is ineffable. It remains ultimately mysterious. And every mystery affects us deeply.
We are ourselves charged with this power, down to our subtlest parts. We may not be able to utter its essence, but we can move towards its source, insofar as at all possible. In any event, it is up to us to manifest this power and its functions, just as it becomes manifest within ourselves.
In all likelihood, it is in itself a form of matter, although it cannot be perceived with the same senses as the more familiar kinds of matter. Permeated with matter, it must take on living, actual form. It is thence that matter derives its life, acquiring order from its minutest particles and most subordinate rhythms all the way to its higher articulations. 

Excerpt: pg. 63, Paul Klee, Notebooks: Volume 2, the nature of nature: The Documents of Modern Art Series, Vol. 17. Wittenborn, NY. 1973.

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