
water (part_2_of_many)

We can learn a lot from observing animals. Watch a cat or dog. They instinctively know how to stretch. They do it spontaneously, never over stretching, continually and naturally tuning up muscles they will have to use.

Excerpt: pg. 9, 'Stretching', by Bob Anderson w/ illustrations by Jean Anderson. Shelter Publications, Bolinas California. 1980. 

radios&books: this is an experimental newsletter aimed at sharing words and sounds. if you have ideas about it, please share. tracks are listed onto their own youtube channels (1,2) and ARCHIVE for review. if you'd to add someone to the list, please do. if you'd like to be removed from this list, just ask. *let's keep expanding the list- if you think someone would dig this, tell them to write to radiosandbooks@gmail.com.