All-conceived Wild Stylisms in any plan of operations whether for military purposes or not will advance in drawing technique to a Panzerism style technique on the letters' structure, masterpieces, and pieces in and on any medium does not include scenery. Any masterpiece or piece that has a crack in its outlined structure techniques according to Panzerism technique has been red upon and hit, evidence is cracks a factual damage symbol in anything that deals with art.
Wild style: element techniques classified. (ism)
Graffiti is a title stupidly placed on this art as a definition " Wild Style has no rules " in itself to have no rules is to be ISM, the goal and the rule. Separations of unique interpretations of basic symbolic construction of emotions and nonemotional style construction, example: common sense says the only symbol for a missile is an arrow, shown by the Chinese, the ones who really started all recording verbal formation symbols, several thousand years ago. no government is allowed to adopt, borrow, or steal subconscious symbols, or create a phonetic science to prove them.
excerpt:ramellzee: gothic futurism treatise